
bkc X village slum...

dont be mad mel!

so thursday nite was the 3 year anniversary and book release party. the crowd here was no joke. everyone came dressed to kill. i love the culture here because they can take it to the extremes and have fun with it. its hard to get people in chicago to dress up. and the results are god awful when you finally tell them to...anywho, i met mr.village slum (mel d) at a previous party, and to my surprise he was shooting the bkc this pic of me happened at the end of my nite. i was leaving and mel asked to take my pic. (i hate when ppl ask to take my pic, i make very awkward faces because i dont have a signature face yet! other than cheezing super hard) i dont know this girl, but she jumped in the pic just to make me feel comfortable. and i heard new yorkers were mean, ppuuuuuhhllleeeeaaassee...

check out more pics here.

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